Much of the articles produced from this site have been slamming the ending of HBO’s monster hit, Game of Thrones. The ending did suck – there’s no getting around that. However, as we’re in the holiday spirit, let’s take a look at the best episodes of one of the best shows ever produced.
5. “Baelor” – S1, ep9

This was the episode that we realized no one was safe. In one of the most shocking episodes of television ever aired (well… not as shocking as one to come later in this countdown), the protagonist was killed off. In the first season.
Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams provide incredible acting performances as two young girls watching their father’s beheading.
4. “The Door” – S6, ep5

Out of all the character deaths on Game of Thrones, Hodor’s may be the most gut-wrenching. The most innocent character in the entire show sacrifices himself in order to protect the child that he has been guarding for years. What is most heartbreaking is finally realizing the reason that he can only say “Hodor.” His whole life has been centered around “holding the door.” If anything in Game of Thrones can make you cry, it’s this episode. This reviewer gets chills every time he thinks about it.
Oh, and the Night King and his army make a grand reappearance, plus the Children of the Forest are featured. Just an all-around fantastic episode.
3. “Winds of Winter” – S6, ep10

Paired with “Battle of the Bastards,” Game of Thrones produces the best two hours of television that this reviewer has ever seen back-to-back when it concludes the sixth season with “The Winds of Winter.” Cersei Lannister may be the most intelligent villain of all-time, and she defeats a huge portion of her enemies in one hit. The music that plays over top of the scene is haunting, and the acting is phenomenal. After seasons of tension, everything is brought to a head in this episode. Everything.
Oh, and Daenerys finally sets sail for Westeros at the end of the episode.
To this humble reviewer, the series ended with this episode. Nothing could ever top it, even if the writing hadn’t went to the crapper.
2. “The Rains of Castamere” – S3, ep9

This is the episode that everything reset. For people that hadn’t read the books, this was horrific. For book-readers, this was a perfect episode to watch while recording their non-book-reading friends.
Nearly all of the thought-to-be protagonists (at least the Stark protagonists) are killed in one incredibly horrific backstab by Walder Frey. And it all goes down as little Arya is just feet away from being reunited with her family.
Game of Thrones meant business, and this episode proved that the events of “Baelor” weren’t a one-off.
1. “Battle of the Bastards” – S6, ep9

Could anything else have been #1? “Battle of the Bastards” features the best battle scene in the history of television. And, for once, good defeats evil, as Ramsey Bolton is killed by Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, and their allies. When all looks lost, Littlefinger – in all his sleaziness – shows up to save the day.
For a battle that was years in the making, it somehow lives up to all the expectations and then some.
Game of Thrones had a fantastic six-year run, followed by a horrific last two seasons. But those last two seasons shouldn’t destroy the six seasons of work done beforehand. And these episodes are peak TV.