Once again DC and Warner Brothers have proven that when it comes to solo origin stories, they really know what they’re doing. When they’re not rushing a crossover or reshooting their films to be more like Marvel, they’ve shown they understand how to do the superhero genre right. Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman were all entertaining and well received. And now with their latest installment, this positive trend continues. In many ways, Shazam! is the most entertaining film in the DCEU (so far)!

With Great Power Comes…No Responsibility At All
The film introduces us to a 14 year old runaway named Billy Batson (Asher Angel). For years, he’s been bounced around several foster homes, always running away to try and find his mother he got lost from years earlier, but to no such avail. As he’s moved to a group home in Philadelphia, he meets his new foster family, complete with several other children, each unique and fun in their own way. It’s also worth noting that it’s an incredibly diverse foster family, which makes for a nice addition to the genre.

After standing up to bullies to defend his siblings, Billy runs to a train, where he’s then magically transported to a mysterious place. Before him stands a dying wizard called Shazam (Djimon Hounsou), who gives him superpowers via magic in order to protect the world. Billy believes his not worthy, but Shazam insists there isn’t much time and that he is the only option they have. Simply by saying the name “Shazam”, Billy transforms into the Champion (Zachary Levi), complete with an array of superpowers, most notable of which is lighting that shoots from his fingers. Naturally, Billy and his foster brother Freddy (Jack Dylan Grazer) do what any young teens would do when one of them gets superpowers, they abuse the hell out of it…with hilarious results.
Billy uses his powers to show off, make YouTube videos to become famous, and even resorts to doing lightning tricks and taking pictures with fans for tips. He does manage to save a bus full of passengers which veered off the highway, but it was his own recklessness with lightning that put them in danger in the first place. The only thing that forces Billy to take all this seriously is when Dr. Thaddeus Sivana (Mark Strong) emerges, wielding the power of ancient demons. Sivana himself proved unworthy of the wizard’s magic many years ago, and will not rest until he has the power Billy so haphazardly wastes on entertainment.

As Billy fights to defend not only the city as a whole, but his foster siblings, he finally understands what it is to be part of a family. And in doing so, he must learn what it means to be a hero. Perhaps the best aspect of the film (other than the constant slew of witty and sarcastic humor) is the way Shazam! captures the plight of the underdog. Between Batman (billionaire), Superman (only surviving son of Krypton), Wonder Woman (literal daughter of a god, Zeus), and Aquaman (king of Atlantis), the DC heroes so far have mostly been high born as well as royalty or nobility. In many ways Billy, as well as his foster siblings, represent the everyday person, thus promoting the idea that anyone can be a hero. And that’s a very inspiring message.

A World of Mysticism
Contrary to the “gritty realism” that Zack Snyder attempted to infuse his earlier films with, the DC Universe is certainly one filled with magic and vast mythology. The world of DC is one where Greek mythology is absolute fact, as evidenced by Wonder Woman’s lineage. That mysticism is greatly represented here as Shazam! balances real world issues of abandonment and the foster system, along with magic and wizards. There’s also a brilliant creepy atmosphere to the demons that Sivana unleashes, as each one represents one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Director David F. Sandberg is known for horror (Lights Out and Annabelle: Creation), and it really shows. The earlier DCEU films tried to use science fiction to explain things like Superman’s powers and the creation of Doomsday, but it’s fascinating to see magic and sorcery embraced. It helps to expand the parameters of the cinematic universe itself.

A New Direction
After the lukewarm reception of Justice League, Aquaman still managed to make a billion dollars at the box office, all while showcasing a vast and compelling world. Shazam! continues this positive trend. Between its sarcastic and self-aware sense of humor, Shazam! proves through one meta scene that it’s discarding the grim self-importance of the past, and embracing a new, fun direction for DC. And yes, Superman does have a cameo, but it’s not what you’re thinking. That’s all that can be said without spoiling anything.
Overall, Shazam! manages to be hilarious, witty, but also heartfelt. Story-wise, it relies on a few overdone superhero clichés, but its presentation was the exact tone and direction that DC sorely needed after many mistakes of the past. If DC keeps this up, Marvel won’t dominate the genre forever!

David Pierdomenico is a former History/English Teacher, and a current HR Professional. His dorky passion is an absolute love of film, especially horror and comic book. He is also the author of horror novels Kushtaka and Veritas.
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