Tobias was created by Dave Pierdomenico as an original character for the Earthbound fan film, “Runaway Dreams: The Runaway Five Story”, in 2008 for Starmen.Net (created by Mitch Donaberger and Chris Pierdomenico). In 2009, Chris and Dave Pierdomenico co-created this spin-off on Numa Network (the predecessor to Dork Daily) that followed the suburban adventures of Tobias as well as explosive rants on 2000’s pop culture…from Twilight, Harry Potter, and Hannah Montana to even Shark Week. Enjoy the complete series below!
Tobias Babysits Some Bloody Annoying Children
Tobias Goes to the Psychiatrist
Tobias Goes on a Date
Tobias Joins the Army
Tobias Rants Incoherently on TwIlight
Tobias Describes Father’s Day in London
Tobias: “J.K. Rowling is a sell out”
Tobias: “Tim Burton Needs Film School”
Tobias is Disappointed by “Shark Week”
Tobias Hates Obamacare
Tobias Reflects on Fred Figglehorn
Tobias on Rob Zombie’s “Halloween II”
Tobias’ Thoughts on Hannah Montana
Tobias Rants Incoherently on Twilight…Again
Tobias Rages after being Banned from the Tea Party
Tobias Rages After His Ex-Girlfriend (Kate Middleton) marries Prince William